This is another existing A level media
film called Captive which we also looked at in class, we watched it once then
discussed what we liked about it and then we watched it again to really dig
deep into the piece and looked at the different types of editing, sound, camera
work and the mise en scene:
- Non-centred shots
- Titles and how they move and jump around
- Establishing shot links into the title
- The security camera angles
- Flashbacks
- Sound bridge
- Silence or no dialog
- Music builds up suspense
- High pitched string instrument
- Montage of quick shots
- Reflection in the puddle
- Continuity of titles
- Extreme close ups
- POV Shot
- Fast paced editing
This was an existing A level film
called exemption which we looked at in class, we made notes of what we liked
about the film so we could try and include them in our opening sequence. Some
of these points are:
- Titles, my group liked the way the titles came on and went off the
- Editing/Overlay, we liked the way the scenes faded into other
- We liked the way the music stopped and the titles appeared.
- Montage of close ups.
- Extreme close ups.
- POV shots.
- The music and the action start at the same time.
- Builds tension using fast shots.
- Jump cut shot.
- Over the shoulder shot.