Monday, 26 September 2016


When people hear the word Thriller they automatically think 'Horror' but in
fact there are many sub-genres such as but the ones that people mainly know are:
  • Horror
  • Action
  • Psychological
  • Sci-Fi
  • Conspiracy
  • Techno
  • Supernatural
  • Crime
  • Disaster
  • Legal

Image result for sub-genres of thriller

Horror Thriller

Horror is a film seeking to elicit negative emotional reactions by playing with the viewer’s primal fears. The film usually includes a lot of suspense and nail biting moments.
Image result for horror movies

Action Thriller

Action is usually where the protagonist or protagonists take part in a series of challenges including violence, close combat and frantic chases.
Image result for action thriller movies


Psychological is a story that really emphasizes the abnormal psychological states of its character, in my opinion Psychological is a type of film that messes with your head and makes you think how did this happen.
Image result for shutter island


Science Fiction (Sci-Fi) is a film that uses science based depictions that are not fully accepted by mainstream science such as extraterrestrials.
Image result for star wars

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Lesson Today!

Today in media we learned how to set up a tri-pod to help us film our opening sequences and films.

We also looked at all the different camera shots there were 13 shots all together, from ECU (extreme close up) all the way to Tilted shots.

What Is Thriller?

This is a small collage showing you what i would sum up thriller to be.
Thriller doesn't just mean horror. it can be many movies such as psychological, action, sci-fi.

Friday, 9 September 2016

Saul Bass

Saul Bass is an excellent american graphical designer and award winning filmmaker. Saul has made many films from 'Carmen Jones' in 1954 all the way to 'Casino' in 1995. 
Image result for saul bass famous film

Bass' work includes films such as:

  • Around The World in Eighty Days
  • West Side Story
  • Grand Pix
  • Casino
  • Its a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
Image result for Grand Prix saul bass

Bass' posters follow a unique style, they contain a coloured background will a silhouette that makes the poster really effective and stand out.

Saul Bass innovative and inspirational and used his art work to help interpret thriller films of his generation.

This is a title sequence for the very famous film 'The Shinning' 

This is a title sequence for the very famous film 'Vertigo'

This is a title sequence for the very famous film 'Psycho'

The Brief:

Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. this task demonstrate match-on-action shot/reverse shot the 180-degree.

The titles and opening of a new fiction film, to last a maximum of two minutes.

My blog will take into consideration all the key areas.

  • Forms and conventions
  • Production Contexts
  • Roles of technologies
  • Audience/users
  • REpresentations

Thursday, 8 September 2016

My first post

Hi i am Oliver Bontempo and this is my first post.
Today has been my first lesson in A level Media Studies. We started off by learning how to create a blog and upload our first post!