When looking back on the preliminary task, I am able to see how much we have improved as a group. When we were filming our first task we were lacking the knowledge of these new editing and filming techniques.
We filmed our preliminary task at school. This didn't help as we didn't get to use as many locations as we could of. also time was a big thing we didn't have a lot of time to do it. As we were only able to film in the school we were faced with the problem of a lot of background noise due to other classes in the proximity. This did effect the finished piece as we weren't able to edit the sound out due to lack of experience.
Another problem we have noticed now as we have the knowledge is the lack of creativity with shots. This is a problem we had as we didn't have the experience back then but looking back over it we can now reflect on it and creatively think of better shots to do for the future.
Comparing our preliminary task to our final opening sequence we 100% notice one big thing at the very start. The sound, we were only able use the dietetic sound of the the dialogue and background noise. We weren't able to use any non-dietetic sound such as music or sound effects. It didn't really make the piece an exceptional piece. Where as in the final opening sequence where it had music and sound effects it really brought the piece out to be a good piece as the non-dietetic sound really made the piece. For example the long shots of the stalker in the piece has dark gloomy music to make thew audience realize that is the stalker and he is the protagonist.
Overall i feel like i have gained a lot of knowledge and picked up a lot of techniques to do with editing and camera work.